Intensive training courses for the study of jewellery in Italy
MTClassItalia presents the training courses based in Rome and Tuscany, which were designed for the intensive studies of gemmology, jewellery and art of engraving, together with the practices of storage, research and restoration of jewellery items.
The courses are taught by the industry professionals who carry out scientific research and lecturing work at universities and in the best Italian centers.
N.1.- DIAMOND - Level 1. - Quality analysis and grading. Duration: 5 days
The purposes:
Acquisition of the primary knowledge, as required for practical application in the industry.
Comprehension of the analysis methods as part of precision grading process using the appropriate tools and the sufficient quantities of the gemstones as training materials.
Mastering of the skills required for distinguishing the genuine diamonds from the fake ones.
The topics:
- The main definitions of the diamond quality factors and their general aspects.
- Clarity: the definition of clarity. Current statutory requirements. Terminology and symbolic characters. Internal and external properties. Using of lenses and microscope. Nomenclature. Practical sessions.
- Сolour: definitions, statutory requirements and the colour scale. Using of model stones. Nomenclature. Practical sessions.
- Cut: production process, proportions, symmetry and finish. Nomenclature. Practical sessions.
- Weight (mass): its direct and indirect methods of estimating for loose and set stones. Practical sessions.
- Simulated diamonds and the ways of recognizing them. Theory and practice.
- Examples of certificates.
- Certificate issuing and the existing
- The Diamond market
- Certificate issuing and the existing legislation.
N.2 - N.2. - Coloured gemstones identification. Duration: 5 days.
The purposes:
- In-depth studies of analysis techniques and appropriate tools.
- Simple methods of recognizing the most common stones.
- Mastering some basic diagnostic methods and their practical applications.
The purposes:
- Refractometry and the existing laws of optics.
- Using a refractometer for the purposes of stone identification.
- Crystallography fundamentals as required for understanding the optical properties of the diagnosed item: single and double refraction, uniaxiality, biaxiality, polarity and pleochroism.
- Practical sessions of working with natural and created gemstones.
- Using a polariscope: data registering and practical sessions.
- Using a polariscope and a refractometer in conjunction with each other for identifying optical properties.
- Using a microscope in a gemmology science. Practical sessions.
- Identification of the duplets and the triplets.
- Laws of optics as required for understanding the qualitative analysis basics and coloured gemstone grading.
- Physical properties: an analytical approach to an optimal utilization of coloured gemstones in jewellery industry.
Duration: 5 days.
The purposes:
Learning the correct procedures of coloured gemstone grading, which is a pre-requisite condition for developing the skill of buying and selling jewellery items based on the scrupulous qualitative analysis.
The topics:
- Grading coloured gemstones: general criteria and methods.
- The qualitative analysis: principles, and practical and theoretical aspects.
- Distinguishing the elements affecting the quality of clear opaque and semi-opaque gems.
- Colour: the definitions, descriptive parameters (colour, tone, intensity), descriptive terminology, chromatic diagram, nomenclature, additional colours. Pleochroism, colour zoning etc.
- Internal and external properties.
- Clarity scales
- Nomenclature and analysis methods
- Graphic representation
- Correlation between clarity and colour intensity
- Practical sessions
Didactic plan:
The "Jewellery item design" course is structured as an educational unit that includes studying different aspects of designing precious jewellery items.During the course of studies, the students will acquire designing skills and master the methodology behind jewellery piece creation.The course consists of the three modules:
- Gem styling specifics and a graphic technique of jewellery item design:
- stone pattern
- metals
- orthogonal and axonometric projections of different shapes:
- Pendant - necklace - bangle - ring - brooch
- Quick colour filling of a sketch with tempera and water colour
- Image setting
- Studying different ways of jewellery item creation and the associated distinguishing features: haute couture jewellery art - CAD designing
Jewellery line set-up project. Introduction.
- Jewellery line set-up project. Introduction.
- Business activity analysis for the main players in the field: Bvlgari - Cartier -Chopard - Buccellati etc.
Custom-made jewellery item creation project.
During this module, the students will have a chance to create their own item of jewellery.
All courses are taught by the professionals whose standing is recognized in their areas of expertise; they teach at universities and in the best Italian training centers.